How did you get into the acting world?
I did theatre as a kid until I was 16. I also did drama in school, so it was something that I always enjoyed doing but didn’t get into it properly until I went to LA in 2011. One of my friends who is also an actor, lives out there and he would come to my apartment when he got auditions and ask me to read with him. At that moment I missed the feeling. I missed acting, so when I returned to London and enrolled in an acting school, the journey started from there.

What drew you to “White Colour Black”?
It was the story behind it, a guy lost in London who forgets an important part of him, like we all do sometimes. We get so lost in our work and careers that we lose a bit of ourselves and forget about those close to us. We are so consumed with day to day life. It was nice to get a script that didn’t play on the stereotype of gangs, and crime. Instead, it was a beautiful story about a guy who goes back home to rediscover who he is and where he came from. To reconnect with the side of himself that he had forgotten.

Do you have a genre of film you’d like to pursue?
I don’t have a specific genre, but I would say that I enjoy acting. You have to adapt and be able to play different roles and make people believe you. I want to be able to do different types of films – from action to horror to sci-fi and still have people believe in that character.

Where do your other interests lie?
My other interest is music, I love music. I also write poems, but a lot people don’t know that! With music, I’ve been doing that since I was 12. I was in the choir at one time, I even joined a band, to this day it’s something that I enjoy doing.  I think it helps with acting in terms of voice and projection. You never know, I might get a role that requires singing. It would be nice to have the vocals ready just in case.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years time?
Haha! where would I like to see myself in 5 years? This is the question I never know how to answer. There are so many answers, but I guess I would like to be recognized in the industry, as an actor. I still want to be able to work with amazing people and be part of amazing projects. I want to be able to work and grow.

What has been the highlight so far?
I don’t think I’ve really had a highlight. I think that one will come soon enough, God willing.

Interview by Ian Casey
Photography by Andrea Vecchiato

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