A Moving Image has a particular style to it – how does the style of a film affect how you portray your character?
In A Moving Image I play a performance artist from Brixton. So it’s important to look at the area and culture-  It helped me create a vibrancy and individuality for ‘Ayo’ which I feel is what Brixton is all about.

You have a part Star Wars: The Last Jedi, how does it feel to take part in such a legendary series?
No comment. Ha.

Out of your roles so far, what has been the most challenging?
I’ve just wrapped on a film called Burning Men, which is a road movie. When I auditioned, I said to the director that I could drive, I lied. So, when he offered me the part I had three weeks to learn how to drive. I passed on the Friday started filming on the Monday. I felt the pressure before we even started shooting. On the Monday I was put in this classic car, which was a Volvo Amazon. It’s completely different from driving a modern car. There was a camera in my face while I was driving around the city, dual carriageways etc all the way up to Holy Island (an Island between Newcastle and the Scottish boarders). Plus, all the film was POV (like Peep Show) which is actually quite hard to do, looking down the barrel the whole time. I have also just written, directed, produced, cast and acted in my first short film Spilt – that was a lot, maybe too much. I was shattered.

What do you gain from acting? What is it you set out to achieve when you step in front of the camera?
I gain a sense of freedom. It’s also a tool to use my imagination, which I love. I’m just a vessel for the story. I try and find the truth for the character I’m playing and most importantly, a realness.

Is there anything you would like to pursue outside of film?
Apart from creating a loving family, no – not at the moment. Actually, saying that – I’ve just created a podcast called RUN OF THE PLAY which is launching soon. It’s giving a platform for up and coming playwrights to showcase new work. It’s a really exciting project and I guess it’s more to do with theatre, than film.

Quick fire questions:

  • Action or romance? Drama.
  • Film or television? At the moment TV.
  • Studio or on location? Location.
  • Early Mornings or late nights? Both.

Interview by Ian Casey
Photography by Andrea Vecchiato



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